
Monday, January 17, 2011

Queensland Flood Appeal - Auctions

Most of you will already be aware of the impact the floods have had in Queensland. There is a great deal of fund raising currently occuring. Toni Coward from Make it perfect decided to put together some auctions within the sewing/patchwork/art community to raise some donations.
We need to get word out about these auctions. There is alot on auction - quilts, hand made goods, patterns, fabric and much, much more - I have bids on several items. Please do take a look and if you can, either make a bid or make a donation. I know we have many customers from Queensland and in the past several days have had a few through the shop, some their homes are ok, one lady was trying to get back home however she needs to travel through the flood areas but where unsure if they could get back home as roads have been cut off. I can't start to imagine what it would to like to be effected by the floods, my heart goes out to everyone in Queensland. So if you can help out in any way please do.
Here is the link to Toni's Website which has a masterlist of all the auctions.


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